Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good times bad times, and all the crazy in between.

Alohas, so it has been a few days since I last posted... I had written a good deal the other day only to lose it to the Internet on my iPod crashing. So here I go again. The last few days of Texas were spent locked in conversation with people. It started in Drevers at a country store with the two folks that were there, it was a good conversation on politics and the world. The next conversation was at a picnic are on the side of the highway with a very intelligent and interesting gentleman from Liberty. That conversation consisted mostly of life and fun and the wild experiences we had had. I ended up being locked in that conversation for a fee hours. Then I finished the day with a conversation with a fellow traveler who was driving out west, this conversation condisted mostly of the spiritual, and the goodness that is in our world.
After all of that I finally made to Louisiana! It was so sweet to cross the river and see the "Welcome to Louisiana" sign. I was on a great high note and then suddenly things turned a little sour. I was riding down the i10 when I got pulled over by a cop. This is the ensuing conversation.
"you can't ride on the interstate."
"oh? I am sorry, where can I ride?"
"you are lucky I just ran into a guy doing the same thing..."
He then began to describe the route I needed to take, which was a very long detour and added about twenty miles onto my ride that day and a total of about 50 miles to my entire ride. He then proceeded to do the good cop turned asshole thing. I do not know why cops feel the need to inform you of how nice they are being, but I know I was being completely respectful of him and trying to be understanding. This didn't stop him...
"you know it's illegal to ride a bike on the interstate."
"I did not know that, but I really appreciate you informing me." mind you there were no signs informing of this...
"I could write you a ticket right now..."
"I understand and appreciate your kindness." what else did he want? I half expected him to say 'this information aint free boy... Pucker up." But luckily he didnt, I thanked him, shook his hand and then walked off the interstate and continued on my way.
I ended up not making it very far after that because I had to backtrack a good deal. The next day a rash that had appeared was getting worse. I made the tough decision that I needed to get to a hospital. Luckily I wasn't far from Lake Charles, the only problem was that the quickest way to the city was over the interstate. So I rode up to the bridge and thumbed a ride across. I was picked up bya couple who were traveling around the east coast. They were kind enough to drive me all the way to a hospital.
Even though the hospital was not full at all it still ended up taking four hours. Which left me little time to move on, besides which the cream I was given required me to take a shower and such. Plus I needed to wash all my clothes. So I found a hotel with laundry. The next day weather started to roll in, so I found another cheap hotel to stay. It was definitely a cheap hotel...
At about 3:30 in the morning there was a knock at my door. I was very tired but went to figure outwho was there. When I opened the door I was greeted by a very used up looking prostitute. It was a little creepy, but I was in no mood to deal with it so before she could say anything I just shut the door in her face.
The next day it was still raining so I stayed one more night. I hung out with a nice girl who I had met my first day in Lake Charles, and spent most of the day playing music. Today I will be headed out again. Which I need to get to. So until the next chance I get to update... Much love and alohas!

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